WordPress is the most popular Content Management System used in the world, and for good reason. It’s easy to use and learn, can be as complicated and as simple as needed, and offers businesses the opportunity to be in completely in control of their website. Don’t know any code? No worries. Never owned a website before? Simple. All websites built by Red Moth allow clients to login to their own websites administration area, and make changes as they see fit. This could be a blog post, changing copy on a page, or editing prices in your store!
In today’s world, you can access the Internet on almost anything. That’s why it’s important that your website is clean and easy to navigate no matter what your visitor is viewing it on. Responsive design is critical in keeping your visitor on your site and ultimately engaging with your business or service. All Red Moth websites are built with responsiveness in mind, and tested on desktop, tablet and mobile.
You don’t want to have to go to a tech person every time you need something changed. Sure, if it’s a big change you might feel more comfortable letting someone else handle it – but sometimes you just want to take control and change it yourself. That’s why all Red Moth sites are built with WordPress and all clients are provided with their own administration login details and dashboard, where you can edit content such as pages, posts and store products.
It’s important that your potential visitors know where to find you. That’s why Search Engine Optimisation is so important to getting your name out there. Silver and Gold package Red Moth websites come with an extended SEO policy to maximise the chances of having your website appear in keyword searches in search engines such as Google.